CSC Trike Conversions

  • We have set up this page to hopefully answer any questions,
    or generate any questions you may have about trike conversions
    and the products available. **This is not a page to support the
    home-modification of your factory motorcycle. These factories
    have done all the testing, and we have sent our technicians to
    the training provided by the manufacturer. Please, leave this work
    to the professionals ! Safety first is the rule we are all trying to accomplish.

  • The ability to have all the comfort and safety with the freedom of
    motorcycling is why you see more and more people having their
    bike converted to a Trike. No one wants to give up something they
    have enjoyed to do for so many years, and the Trike provides so many more capabilities
    for people to keep on riding.

  • Vetesnik Powersports has been installing Trike kits for over 35 years.

  • Assembly begins with the dis-assembly of the two-wheeler.  The factory bags, trunk,
    and brackets are taken off with only the trunk to be re-used. Rear tire, final drive and
    the swing arm come out and are replaced by the new frame and swingarm.

  • The new rear end is attached to the cycle. CSC's Kit is the industries benchmark.
    With it's cast A-arms, billet rear differential, clever suspension design & new 
    front rake,  it is the number one kit on the market!